Motivation. It’s that persistent drive that gets you leaping out of bed on a good day, rushing through breakfast until that golden moment when you sit down at your desk and start work.
It’s also a rare quality.
In life we all know the things which we should feel motivated about. Paying bills. Heading off to the gym for a workout session. Going to see the parents-in-law. All of those daily tasks and events are the things that, as good citizens, we should feel motivated to achieve. Starting the new diet. Spring cleaning the house.
Here’s the problem…
…the things that we ought to be motivated about, are usually the very last things that ignite our passion.
Which means, every day, we trudge through our obligations with a sense of boredom, doing tasks because we know that we should, but lacking the motivation to tackle them with any sense of enthusiasm.
In our business ventures, things are pretty similar. Tasks such as doing our accounting, paying service providers, or writing yet another blog post on a tired subject are all areas where we should be motivated and keen to do a great job, but we aren’t.
If your online business is causing you a sense of dread when you go to work each day, it’s probably time to remember how to rekindle your motivation.
This is a simple exercise – let’s try it now.
Think of three things which motivated you to start your own business…
I’m guessing that you may just have come up with something along these lines:
- You wanted to make a steady flow of cash to enhance your standard of living
- You wanted to do a job which you were interested in, and you looked forward to doing every day
- You wanted to free up more time to spend on leisure interests, with your family, or with friends.
Am I right?
I thought so.
The trick to rekindling your passion, and gaining momentum and motivation again for your online venture is to re-think your current approach to business.
If you have become bogged down with the day to day administration that your venture asks of you, or you’ve moved from writing about and creating, products and services which you believe in, it’s time to think of a new way to meet the original motivations you had for setting up your business in the first place.
You want more time. You want more money. You want to do a job that holds your interest.
The good news is, turning your attention to passive income possibilities will provide you with these three goals. The trick is, to create a product which is on a subject that you love. This could be a weekly video that people subscribe to, an eBook (or a paperback version), a series of training courses, or a subscription service for your blog. It means pouring all of your enthusiasm and energy in to making one single product, which you can then sell on again and again.
Using the concept of passive income means you will gain more time, more cash and rekindle your passion. And, as you see the product take off and generate revenue, ironically, your enthusiasm will grow as well. This is because you see the results of your effort paying off, and get the sense of satisfaction which comes with knowing you are finally achieving the three goals which prompted you to set up an online business in the first place.
It’s time to make your business work for you. Take something you love. Turn it in to a passive income product, and see just how much more motivated you are once the model has proven to work. It really is that simple!
I’ve got to get into passive income making.